Thursday, March 16, 2006

Coming up soon!

I had been quite preoccuppied with some random thoughts and completion of few workings and papers! Many people have been asking me if I stopped blogging! My answer is no and I hope to put up a new post by 27th March! Watch out for this space....


Vivek said...

Shanta, would you like to give us some snippets of your next blog? We can have a discussion session on it and broadcast it online! :)

Dr Shanta Laishram said...


Thats what I am thinking. I will put up a preview soon:-)

Vivek said...

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Shanta's long awaited blog entry will come up soon! Don't miss it! Plan ahead and get some time free sometime next week to read Shanta's blog!

श्रीपाद said...

Why 27'th March Shanta? Is it a special day??

Dr Shanta Laishram said...

Well..., Shorey is leaving on 26th morning and I want to have a recess for a week...Tahts the main reason!

Nikhil Joshi said...

shanta 27 is 3^3 and 3 is very interesting => 27 is at least very very it is March...03rd month of the year...unfortunately, I am not good at maths and have nothing for 2006......

but wait for 100 more years and you will have the date written as:

27/03/2106 = 3^3/3/(3^7-3^4)....kya khte ho?